Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Story of the Godly Kabob Tower

The Kaboblians are a fascinating race of people from the jungles of space. They are blessed with an inate gift of growing oversized fruit and breeding gigantic cattle. Whether it be the fertile meteor soil or the supernutrients the Kaboblians infuse into the seed and feed, the fruit and meat surpass any size record on Earth. After their produce is ripe, they find or fashion a large wooden spike and impale the steak and fruit upon it. For weeks they feast and worship the enormous kabob.

While an optimistic person may find a potential solution to world hunger from his interstellar neighbors, he may soon find that the Koboblians are a fierce, selfish species. They horde their crop without sharing and often discard food they don't eat.


Swark said...

Artists note: I added birds to the picture to create a sense of background!

Swark said...

Artist's note:

This old lady has been playing a yahoo word game in the campus library for well over four hours.